
An Introduction to 6-Count Swing
Swing (a derivative of Lindy Hop) is a truly original American dance. Developed
in the late 1920's in the ballrooms of Harlem, the dance swept the nation,
crossing social and racial lines with unprecedented popularity. Today's
resurgence of this soulful dance has enriched the lives of young and old. This
video will provide the basic tools needed to enjoy this social dance for years
to come. An Introduction to Six-Count Swing begins with the fundamental tools of
leading and following. Without those skills, you cannot give or respond to the
signals that result in great moves. After mastering just a few exercises in
leading and following, we focus on the basic footwork of six-count swing. With
that under our belts, we jump right into the basic steps and turns of swing,
introducing 17 moves and combinations, each with clarity and plenty of time to

Let's Dance Swing
Have fun learning Swing dance steps
with easy-to-follow instructional DVD.
Professional dance instructor John Hill's charm, humor and effortless
teaching style will have you up and dancing the Lindy and the Jitterbug quickly,
regardless of skill level. Through easy-to-follow instructions, you will learn
classic swing dance moves from beginners' steps to elaborate kicks and spins all
within the privacy of your own home.
Learn To Swing Dance (3 Hours of Instruction from Beginner to Advanced) + Zoot CD Swing Music Practice
DVD Ginger de Paris
Intermediate 6-Count Swing, Volume II
Invitation to Dance Swing Dance!
Learn To Swing Dance (3 Hours of Instruction from Beginner to Advanced)
Tap w/Ginger Series (4 Hours Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels) + Zoot CD Swing practice music
Beginning Lindy Hop, Volume III

Cal Pozo's Learn to Dance in Minutes Swing
Well organized and appropriately paced, dance
instructor Cal Pozo's Swing! covers the fundamentals of swing
dances including East Coast, West Coast, and country swing. Pozo starts
with the very basics, the triple step and the rocking step, and his
teaching method works especially well here, as the movements in swing
dance are swift, small, and difficult to replicate. He employs his
standard teaching method starting with an explanation and history of the
dance, animated footprints stepping out the moves, the perspectives
(front and back) of each partner, and finally, a full-out demonstration.
After the basics are covered, he includes instructions and
demonstrations for more intricate maneuvers such as the open break,
underarm turn, and sugarfoot--each clearly demonstrated in half-time
tempo, so the observer is sure to grasp the moves. If you can't wait to
jump into the swing craze, this video will get you jitterbugging
Ballroom Dancing for Beginners
Ballroom Dancing for Beginners will appeal to
novice ballroom dancers who want an introduction to several different
social dances. Instructor Teresa Mason, assisted by Randolph Scott,
teaches basic patterns for six popular ballroom dances: fox-trot,
cha-cha, tango, waltz, rumba, and swing. Mason sensibly begins by
introducing steps that recur in many ballroom dances, such as walking
step, rock step, and triple step; several dance positions; and music
timing for different dances. Next you start learning specific dances.
This 47-minute video is well instructed, not rushed or complex, and...
More Swing Dance DVDs
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The Swing Book
Quickstart to Swing : An Easy - to - Follow Guide for Swing Dancing - Beginner through Expert

Swing! The New Retro Renaissance
Dance Books
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Astaire & Rogers Collection Volume 2 Swing Time, Shall We Dance, Carefree, The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle, The Barkleys of Broadway
Fans of classic movie musicals will be
in heaven with two five-video sets of the films of Fred Astaire and Ginger
Rogers, the quintessential dancing duo. In this second set, the pair is no
longer restricted to frothy comedy revolving around mistaken identities; they
occasionally explore deeper emotional threads with a bit of heartbreak. The
first film is one many consider their most enjoyable, Swing Time, a dashing
combination of great music, dance, and comedy. Favorite musical moments include
the spectacular dance-studio number "Pick Yourself Up," the farewell
ode "Never Gonna Dance," and the Oscar-winning "Just the Way You
Look Tonight," from the team of Jerome Kern and Dorothy Fields. Shall We
Dance features brilliant songs by George and Ira Gershwin ("They Can't Take
That Away from Me," "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" performed on
roller skates) and a complex plot that has Fred and Ginger actually getting
married before the final credits roll. The eighth and ninth entries in the
series tried some different approaches, with Carefree more of a comedy vehicle
for Ginger (yet still including some fine dances and Irving Berlin songs as well
as their first onscreen kiss) and The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle
portraying the pair as historical dancing stars and using a score of
turn-of-the-century standards. This set also...

An Introduction to 6-Count Swing
Swing (a derivative of Lindy Hop) is a truly
original American dance. Developed in the late 1920's in the ballrooms
of Harlem, the dance swept the nation, crossing social and racial lines
with unprecedented popularity. Today's resurgence of this soulful dance
has enriched the lives of young and old. This video will provide the
basic tools needed to enjoy this social dance for years to come.
An Introduction to Six-Count Swing begins with the fundamental tools
of leading and following. Without those skills, you cannot give or
respond to the signals that result in great moves. After mastering just
a few exercises in leading and following, we focus on the basic footwork
of six-count swing. With that under our belts, we jump right into the
basic steps and turns of swing, introducing 17 moves and combinations,
each with clarity and plenty of time to...
Big City Swing presents
Beginning Lindy Hop
Swing Dancing
(swing dancing 3-tape set)
Learn to Swing Dance
VHS Ginger de Paris Chris Reilly
Learn To Swing dance videos + Zoot CD Swing Practice music
VHS Ginger de Paris
Cal Pozo's Learn to Dance in Minutes - V. 2
Swing & Slow Dances
VHS Learn to Dance in Minutes
Swing Dancing
Fred Astaire Dance Studio's
Another entry in the Fred Astaire Studios series of
instructional tapes, The Swing is a 30-minute production
spotlighting the lindy, or the jitterbug. Champion dancers Bruno Collins
and Luann Pulliam demonstrate while John DePalma calls the steps and
offers style tips. The couple performs a step together, then Bruno
demonstrates the man's part twice (facing forward and backward) and Luann
demonstrates the woman's part twice. The couple then performs the step
together along with music. As an added bonus, when the man and woman are
demonstrating individually, their feet are pictured in a separate inset
window. The fun and flashy steps covered are Swing Sling, Swing Swagger,
Swing Fling, Swing Ding, and Swing Set, plus the link step that can
connect them all together, as the couple demonstrates
Swing Medley
VHS Learn to Dance in Minutes
Bring Back the Romance of Dance Vol.1
VHS Nancy Hays
More Swing Dance Videos
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