
Crunch Fat Burning Dance Party

Crunch Pilates 3 Pack

Crunch Burn & Firm Pilates

Crunch Fat Burning Pilates
Welcome to CRUNCH Fitness! Get the best of both worlds and the
most for your effort with this winning combination: calorie-burning cardio along
with Pilates-based toning. Impact safe yet so effective, it maximizes your
fat-burning potential. You'll start with easy-to-follow cardio that skillfully
blends dance and low impact cardio with standing Pilates-inspired moves into one
routine to challenge your aerobic fitness, improve your posture and put you more
in touch with the power of your "core." Then, kick off your shoes and hit the
floor to tighten and tone your favorite body parts, including abs, butt and
thighs. Get long, lean, sexy muscles with our series of Pilates mat exercises,
sure to give you a year-round bikini body! For faster results than Pilates
alone, this combo workout can help you sculpt your body AND burn fat! For all
fitness levels. A mat or rug and bare feet are highly recommended for the
Pilates floorwork.

Crunch Cardio Salsa
Spicy hot and energetic, this well-designed, fun-filled Crunch Cardio Salsa workout keeps you burning body fat as you dance, wave
your arms, and swing your hips to live drums with a Latin flair. Salsa,
meringue, samba, and cha cha steps highlight these high-energy aerobic dance
patterns, taught one step at a time, then building gradually into combinations.
The footwork is fast-moving but not difficult to learn, thanks to the careful
way perky instructor Giselle Roque de Escobar teaches and cues. She performs the
workout accompanied by 6 bare-bellied women and one man, and an exuberant and
skillful drummer. Everyone is fit, young, lean, and enthusiastic. The workout
heats up...

Crunch Pick Your Spot Pilates
Crunch The Perfect Yoga Workout
DVD Crunch
Welcome to CRUNCH Fitness! With Fat Burning Yoga you can tone and
re-shape your entire body, increase energy levels, feel lean and limber, and it
can help you maintain healthy weight levels. By adding more movement to your
yoga practice, you'll definitely increase your heart rate and improve your
circulation, which aids in weight loss and burning extra calories. In this
workout, you'll use standing postures to improve your muscle strength, balance,
endurance and flexibility. Plus, to complete your workout, we've added a bonus
yoga ab routine to trim your mid-section and to help improve digestion. The
Joy of Yoga brings an exhilarating change of pace and style to traditional
yoga. After a yoga warm-up, you'll do both standing and floor poses, followed by
a guided meditation for the ultimate in relaxation. Both programs are for all
fitness levels. A yoga mat or a non-slippery surface is recommended.
Crunch Candlelight Yoga
The Best of Crunch Step
Crunch Cardio Sculpt - The Body Sculpting Fat Burning Blast!
Welcome to CRUNCH Fitness! "Crunch" the two most
important elements of fitness, cardio and toning, into one calorie-brining
workout. You can't get any more efficient than this! You'll maximize both your
effort and your time in just 30 minutes by working your heart and your muscles
simultaneously. So you can burn fat while you tone your muscles. Each of the
five segments will challenge you, non-stop, every step of the way. This IS the
ultimate total body training, a complete head-to-toe workout! What a way to
tone!! Two sets of dumbbells of different weights, from 3 to 10 pounds, are
recommended for maximum results. For intermediate to advances fitness levels;
beginners should start with one set of light weights.
Fitness Related DVDs

Crunch Fitness Series Perfect Posture
by Scott G. Duke Paperback
Mom always told you to stand up straight, and she was right!
Good posture is very beneficial in a variety of ways-it can make you look
better, feel better, and helps relieve a wide range of muscle and spine related
complaints. The Crunch Perfect Posture book presents a combination of exercises,
stretches and "Americanized" yoga techniques that will lead you to
improved posture. Also included are tips on selecting a mattress, the proper way
to sit, how to prevent back injuries, and breathing exercises to help your spine
and back.
Exercise and Fitness Books
Health & Fitness Magazines
Health, Mind & Body Topics
Health Related DVDs
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Crunch Cardio Salsa
Spicy hot and energetic, this
well-designed, fun-filled Crunch Cardio Salsa workout keeps you burning
body fat as you dance, wave your arms, and swing your hips to live drums
with a Latin flair. Salsa, meringue, samba, and cha cha steps highlight
these high-energy aerobic dance patterns, taught one step at a time,
then building gradually into combinations. The footwork is fast-moving
but not difficult to learn, thanks to the careful way perky instructor
Giselle Roque de Escobar teaches and cues. She performs the workout
accompanied by 6 bare-bellied women and one man, and an exuberant and
skillful drummer. Everyone is fit, young, lean, and enthusiastic. The
workout heats up...

Crunch Fat Burning Dance Party
Crunch Boot Camp Training
Crunch Cardio Sculpt
Crunch Yoga Mama

Crunch - Burn & Firm Pilates

Crunch Fat Burning Pilates

Crunch Fat Burning Yoga
Welcome to CRUNCH Fitness! Combine an ancient discipline with an ancient
problem and what do you get? A current solution - try yoga. To burn fat,
you must burn calories, and in this program, you can! With Fat
Burning Yoga you can tone and re-shape your entire body, increase
energy levels, feel lean and limber, and it can help you maintain
healthy weight levels. By adding more movement to your yoga practice,
you'll increase your heart rate and improve your circulation which aids
in weight loss and burning extra calories. In this workout, you'll use
standing postures to improve your muscle strength, balance, endurance,
and flexibility, Plus, to complete your workout, we've added a bonus
yoga ab routine to trim your mid-section and help improve digestion.
Experience and reap all the benefits that yoga has to offer. You may
give up killer cardio forever! For all fitness levels, A yoga mat or a
non-slippery surface is recommended.
The CRUNCH Philosophy:
The CRUNCH fitness program welcomes people from all walks of life
regardless of shape, size or ability. We created a workout environment
that is not competitive or judgmental. Enjoy these favorite classes with
imaginative instructors in an atmosphere that makes working out fun.
Crunch Pick Your Spot Pilates
3 Targeted 10-Minute Workouts For Your: BELLY - BUTT - THIGHS
Welcome to CRUNCH Fitness! Change your body in 10 minutes? It is
possible. Pick Your Spot Pilates targets your favorite body parts to
train: the belly, butt and thighs, with three l0-minute workouts. We've
made every minute count with classic Pilates mat exercises to tone,
firm, and re-shape your body. Gentle yet challenging, and
easy-to-follow, Pilates focuses on precise breathing techniques to get
in touch with your body's core so you can sculpt without bulk, creating
sleek abs, leaner legs, and a bikini butt. Do one program at a time or
all three in a row. These mini- workouts are completely self-contained
including a warm- up, a fabulous workout, and cool-down all in 10
minutes! If you're time-crunched and need to squeeze in your workouts,
this program is for you. You'll be surprised how many l0-minute spots
you can find in your day! For all fitness levels. A mat or rug and bare
feet are highly recommended.
Crunch Joy of Yoga
Crunch Candlelight Yoga
Crunch Washboard Abs
More Crunch Videos
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